Client: Rockshot Studios (Previously 7Yellow)

Since our partnership commenced with agency 7Yellow and its founder Will Rock in March 2023, our collaboration has blossomed into a robust professional relationship. As a result, we have established ourselves as 7Yellow's preferred production company. Our close proximity, with offices located just one door apart, has facilitated seamless communication and fostered a culture of collaboration. Over time, we have become frequent collaborators, consistently delivering high-quality projects together.

For 7Yellow we have provided:

  • Full pre-production services - including writing, pre-visualisation and Producing

  • Full production producing - including providing crews of all sizes

  • Directing

  • Cinematography

  • Editing

  • Full-service visual effects (VFX) work

  • Post-Sound

  • Original Music Composition

Brands weā€™ve produced for working alongside 7Yellow:

FORMAT: Digital Online Campaign


PRODUCTS: Doritos, Walkers Max + Wotsits Crunchy

AGENCIES: 7Yellow / ODM Ireland

PRODUCTION: Cassette Vision

This case study highlights three VFX shots that formed the centrepiece of a social media-focused campaign orchestrated by 7Yellow and ODM Ireland in collaboration with, on behalf of PepsiCo. The objective was to promote PepsiCo's new "Extra Flaminā€™ Hot" flavour across three product lines: Doritos, Walkers Max, and Wotsits Crunchy. The client aimed to create a viral stunt that seamlessly blended with reality. Therefore, the primary technical requirement was to ground the footage in reality as convincingly as possible - through tracking, high-level integration, 3d animation and stunt work.

Jack Conan x Fad Saoil - Social promo video

Subclient: Movember

Director. Cinematography. Editing. Sound. Music.

Jack Conan x Fad Saoil - Social promo video

Subclient: Fad Saoil Saunas

Videographer. Editor. Editing. Sound. Music.

Subclient: Coca-Cola

Coke Zero Murals in Dublin - Social promo video

Videographer. Editor.

Subclient: Movember

Launch social media promo


Subclient: HSE (Health Service Executive)

Electric Picnic - initiative


Subclient: Yoplait, Skyr

Influencer Event Promo


Subclient: 7Up

7UP (Upliftment Takeover) at Marina Market, Cork - Promo

Videographer. Editor.

Subclient: SOSU

Short social promo

Videographer. Editor.

Out-Of-Home digital marketing example produced for 7Yellow.

Showreel produced for 7Yellow.