Out-Of-Home Digital Marketing

Elevate your brand's visibility with cost-effective VFX solutions with our Out-of-Home digital marketing


City Integration - Marketing

Visual effects (VFX) have revolutionized the field of out-of-home marketing, providing a dynamic and captivating way to engage audiences. Here are several benefits of using VFX in out-of-home marketing:

  1. Attention-Grabbing Visuals: VFX allows marketers to create stunning and attention-grabbing visuals that stand out in crowded urban environments. The ability to incorporate eye-catching animations, special effects, and dynamic graphics helps capture the audience's attention and leave a lasting impression.

  2. Increased Brand Recall: Memorable and visually striking content tends to be more easily remembered. By leveraging VFX in out-of-home marketing, brands can enhance their visibility and increase brand recall. The unique and immersive nature of VFX-driven campaigns can make a brand more memorable among consumers.

  3. Social Media Amplification: VFX-driven out-of-home campaigns often become shareable content on social media platforms. Consumers are more likely to share visually impressive and entertaining content, amplifying the reach of the marketing campaign beyond its physical location.

  4. Dynamic Content Updates: Traditional static billboards often require significant time and resources to update content. VFX-driven out-of-home marketing allows for dynamic content with much faster turn-arounds. This flexibility is particularly valuable for time-sensitive promotions, events, or changing market conditions.

  5. Cost-Effective Production: While high-quality production was traditionally associated with substantial budgets, advancements in VFX technology have made it more cost-effective to produce visually stunning content. Advanced visual effects allow a wider range of businesses to incorporate VFX into their out-of-home marketing strategies.

“Extra Flaming Hot“ - Online Digital Stunt

FORMAT: Digital Online Campaign


PRODUCTS: Doritos, Walkers Max + Wotsits Crunchy

AGENCIES: 7Yellow / ODM Ireland

PRODUCTION: Cassette Vision

This case study highlights three VFX shots that formed the centrepiece of a social media-focused campaign orchestrated by 7Yellow and ODM Ireland in collaboration with Joe.ie, on behalf of PepsiCo. The objective was to promote PepsiCo's new "Extra Flamin’ Hot" flavour across three product lines: Doritos, Walkers Max, and Wotsits Crunchy. The client aimed to create a viral stunt that seamlessly blended with reality. Therefore, the primary technical requirement was to ground the footage in reality as convincingly as possible - through tracking, high-level integration, 3d animation and stunt work.

Pre-visualisation images produced during pre-production for client:


Panadol at Dundrum Shopping Centre, Dublin.

  • Product recreated in 3D.

  • Scene tracked.

  • 3D scene created.

  • 3D assets created.

  • Animation.

  • Camera match.

  • ACEs match.

  • Composited.

Giant can in a city environment.

  • Product designed.

  • Product created in 3D.

  • 3D bird assets created.

  • Scene tracked.

  • Camera match.

  • Composited.

Can model redesigned for 7Yellow.

Irish vfx example produced to showcase out of home 3d marketing avaiable to agencies and brands in Dublin and internationally.

Floating balloon in a city environment.